Children's books - Booktober 2023

Children's books

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Picture books for early readers aged 5-10.

These picture books reflect the rich diversity of our world and focus on pressing issues of our time, inclusion, compassion and belonging. These are some of my favourite picture books for young readers and they can be read and discussed by teachers, parents and children. These books engage young people and promote critical discussion about who we are, how we belong, and how we care for ourselves and each other.

These books are multilayered and the key themes of these books include acceptance, love, friendship, belonging, individuality, imagination and inspiration, themes that matter in our ever changing world. These books celebrate our uniqueness and our differences. Some of these books are award winning books by well-established Australian authors and illustrators and others come from and other places and have been published more recently. The recommended books are listed alphabetically.

Becker, H., & D, Phumiruk. Counting on Katherine. Henry Holt.

This book is about Katherine Johnson, African American woman and mathematical genius who helped make Apollo 11 and 13 moon landings and returns possible. The book is about Katherine as a child and how she loved to count and learn as much as she could about maths and the universe.

Beneba Clarke, M., & Rudd, V. T. The patchwork bike Lothian Publishing Company

This story is about a young girl who lives in a village surrounded by 'no-go desert' and 'stretching-out sky'. The young girl shares a homemade bike with her brothers and the book details the joy of riding this home-made bike around the village.

Browne, A. Little Frida Walker Books

This book is about the childhood of the artist Frida Kahlo. The book tells story of Frida as a young girl who discovers the power of the imagination. Stunning illustrations reflect Frida Kahlo’s work and tell the story of belonging, creativity and hope.

Choi, Y. The Name Jar Random House

This is the story of Unhei, who comes to a new school where no one can pronounce her name. Unhei decides she will choose a new name but Unhei’s classmates discover her real name and its special meaning and encouraged by her new friends she chooses her own Korean name.

Estela., L., & Ottley, M. Suri’s Wall Penguin Books

This books tells the story of Suri who lives behind a wall with her family. Suri has not made friends with other children but as she gets taller and she begins to share what she sees over the wall with other children. A story about the struggles faced by children who are victims of war and also shows glimpses of peoples’ hope and resilience.

Green, B., & Zobel, A. Who's Your Real Mum? Scribe Publications.

This story, celebrates non-traditional families. This story follows Elvi, who takes her friend Nicholas on a journey when he asks Elvi the question who is your real mum. This is a story about family life, love and acceptance.

Love, J. Julian is a Mermaid. Walker Books

This is about Julian who is a boy mesmerized by three women spectacularly dressed on a train. When Julian gets home all he can think about is making a fabulous mermaid costume so he can look like these ladies, but is worried about what his grandmother might think. The book is about self-confidence, love, and a celebration of individuality.

Martinez-Neal, J. Alma and how she got her name. Candlewick Press

This is the story of a little girl named Alma Sofia Esperanza José Pura Candela. Alma wonders how she got six names and turns to her Dad for an answer. She is introduced to a vibrant history that includes her grandparents and others who have given Alma her name.

Purdie, S. Shirley Purdie My Story, Ngaginybe Jarragbe. Magabala Books

This is a story with beautiful illustrations and is told in English and Gija, this is the story of Shirley Purdie, famous Gija artist, as told through her paintings. The paintings come from Ngaalim-Ngalimboorro Ngagenybe exhibition created for the 2018 National Portrait Gallery exhibition.

Seymour, J., & Mulgo Watson, L. Cooee Mittigar Story on Darug Songlines. Magabala

In this beautifully illustrated picture book, Seymour and Mulgo Watson tell a story on Darug Songlines, introducing Darug Nura (Country) and language. Darug language is interspersed with English and the book includes an extensive glossary.

Sworder, Z. This Small blue dot. Thames & Hudson Australia Pty Ltd

This Small Blue Dot is about a little girl exploring the big and small things in life. This book follows a little girl’s musing about the world and prompts a consideration of who we are, where we come from, and where our dreams may take us.

Vass, C., & Leffler, D. Sorry day. NLA Publishing

This book is set during the public apology to Australia’s Stolen Generations. The book contains two intertwined stories. Maggie a young girl waits with her mother for the speech to begin; the story of the Stolen Generations is in the thoughts of the crowd, revealed on alternate pages.

List compiled by Jacqueline D’warte

Associate Professor, School of Education, Western Sydney University.